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Tips for Breastfeeding Success



How you can get breastfeeding right from the start



Feed your baby right after birth


Your baby is born with a suckling instinct that’s strongest in the first hour of birth. If you’re both well, take advantage of this so that breastfeeding is easier.


Get help with positioning


Breastfeeding requires lots of practice so don’t hesitate to ask a nurse or lactation consultant for help when you’re in the hospital. While initial tenderness is normal, you shouldn’t be in pain and usually, adjusting your positioning makes a world of difference.


Keep your baby close to you


Skin-to-skin contact soothes your baby and helps you watch for the signs that your baby is hungry and wants a feed, so nestle your baby against you.


Frequent feeding is normal in the early days


The more often you feed, the more milk you’ll produce, so offer your breast whenever your baby seems hungry or cries. This might be every 2 hours or more often at the beginning. Don’t try to enforce a feeding schedule at this point. Instead let your baby take the lead and feed on demand. You’ll eventually develop a routine that suits you both.


Offer both breasts at every feed


If your baby only takes one, start your next breastfeeding session on the other breast.


Don't give your baby bottles or pacifiers


While you and your baby are still getting used to breastfeeding, don’t confuse them with bottles and pacifiers. You can introduce these when you’ve established breastfeeding.


Treat soreness


If you experience soreness after a period of pain-free feeding, you could have thrush on your nipples. See your doctor so both you and your baby can get treatment if you need it.


Forget the clock


Some babies feed quickly and are done in 10–15 minutes. Other babies can take up to 40 minutes. Let your baby set the pace as long as you're both comfortable. Allow your baby to nurse as long as they want on one side before switching. That way you'll know that they’re getting enough high-calorie hindmilk and that you're maintaining an adequate milk supply.

If your feeds regularly go over an hour, fail to keep your baby happy and leave him hard to settle, then something's not right. Check your positioning to ensure your baby's able to take a more satisfying feed.


Regularly change your breast pads


Damp breast pads quickly develop bacteria and can lead to infections.


Break the suction before removing your baby


Your baby will unlatch naturally when they’re done and you shouldn't have to take baby off your breast. But if you do need to interrupt the feed, gently slide your finger into the corner of your baby's mouth to break the suction seal they create before pulling your baby off.


Moisturise with breast milk


At the end of a feed, express a little milk and massage it onto your nipples to prevent them from drying out and cracking. If possible, leave your nipples to dry in the open air.

Remember, breastfeeding is something you and your baby have to learn and it can take a little while for it to feel normal and natural. What goes on in the first days and weeks changes as time goes on.

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"The information contained in this site is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this site. To the extent permitted by law, Kimberly-Clark excludes liability or responsibility for claims, errors or omissions on this site, and may amend material at any time without notice."



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