Understanding Your Pregnancy: Week 23
In Trimester two, you may get vivid dreams which can disturb your sleep. Often, your baby in the womb also features in these dreams. It is better not to read too much into these dreams.

Cramps are mostly caused by low calcium or magnesium in your diet and because of low salt levels. In case you experience cramp in your calf muscles then try straightening your legs and then with your hands, gently flex your toes towards your shin. Doing this a couple of times may help in getting relief.
Due to a condition called carpel tunnel syndrome, there is a possibility that you may be feeling pins and needles sensation in your thumbs and forefingers. Consult your doctor. Physiotherapy and splits might be required to reduce this syndrome.
Those pregnancy hormones can be the cause of headaches for the next couple of weeks. Keep yourself hydrated and your body cool. However, if the headache is persistent with disturbance in your vision then consult a doctor.
During pregnancy, it is normal to have watery, white colour and odourless vaginal discharge. But the possibility of developing a yeast infection is also common. So, if you are feeling itchy and there is a burning sensation then it is advisable to speak to your doctor.
Braxton Hicks contractions are painless uterine contractions, concentrated mainly on the top of the uterus. You might be experiencing these contractions especially after exercising, having sex, bending over to do something or sometimes even without doing any of these things. Do not worry, this is just your body practicing the act for the delivery.
Your baby's changes this week
- The baby is less than 20 centimetre in length from its little head to rump and weighs around 500 grams
- Your baby's lungs start to form a substance called surfactant, which will help the alveoli in the lungs to stay open when your baby is born
- The baby's heart chambers and major blood vessels supplying blood to the heart can be seen in ultrasound now
- Your baby's ears are fully functional now
- Your baby can move all his or her muscles now, and you will feel that the baby's movements are stronger now
Your baby is growing in length and weight but is still skinny because the skin is growing faster than the rate of fat being laid under the skin.
Alveoli is a minute air pocket in the lungs and there are many such alveoli in the lungs, which open to let oxygen pass through from the surrounding blood vessels. Surfactant, is formed in the baby's alveoli this week. In case of premature labour, the mother is given an injection of steroids to help in development of the baby's surfactant.
Though tiny in size, your baby's heart grows along with the rest of the organs and is about the size of a walnut at birth.
Your baby now reacts to loud noise with a jerk as the ears are fully functional this week. So, check out your baby's reaction on hearing a door slam or your pet dog barking.
Hints of the week
Herbalists are of the view that indigenous remedies are often cheaper and healthier but medical professionals do not recommend them for pregnant women because safety hasn’t been proved.
Have more questions on pregnancy? At Huggies, we’re here to guide you at every step of the way. Motherhood represents a completely new phase in your life and a community of new mothers who can journey with you will be helpful! Pregnancy tips, parenting tips, free diaper samples and exclusive diaper offers shared on the Huggies Club platform can ensure you are best prepared for your newborn child too.
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